Friday, February 23, 2007

Meeting 8

10th February, 2006

Exectutive Secretaries: Aadhar Aggarwal, Sumit Khurana, Harneet Singh

Finance Secretary: Karan Arora

Publicity Secretary: Amogh Bahuguna

Document Secretary: Shipra Narula

Meeting Secretary: Rahul

Attended By: Aadhar Aggarwal, Shipra Narula, Bharat, Vaibhav Joshi, Harneet Singh, Rahul, Harneet Singh


  1. It was decided that SYW would have its own Donation Box, the responsibility for the same was given to Aadhar Aggarwal and Sumit Khurana.
  2. It was decided that SYW should have its own website and Aadhar Aggarwal would talk to the Sampurna President about the same.
  3. It was decided that Tushar Bansal and Bharat would go to an orphanage each and talk about how SYW can help the kids there.
  4. It was decided that Shipra Narula would get the logo for SYW digitalised and e-mail it to all members of SYW.